Published inLetterstomanagementSay Cheese: Why Companies Should Focus on the Neglected Staff Portraits.The often-overlooked practice that could boost your brand and keep your employees smiling for free.Mar 27, 2023Mar 27, 2023
Published inLetterstomanagementWhy Chefs Don’t Buy Knives in a Dollar Store— Insights on Employee ProductivityMar 27, 2023Mar 27, 2023
Kære Politikere, hvor er (gen)nedlukningsplanen?I stedet for pludselige overraskelsestiltag har vi brug for en langsigtet forudsigelig nedlukningsplan, så borgere og samfundet på forhånd…Oct 23, 2020Oct 23, 2020
The Corona Booklist: Nine books to keep you busy during the quarantineFactfullnessMar 30, 2020Mar 30, 2020
Gin & Tonic: A cure against Corona?“TL;DR — Quinine, the ingredient that gives Tonic Water its bitter taste is chemically very similar to Cloroquine, a drug which might have…Mar 28, 2020Mar 28, 2020
Published inescalinoCreative agility in the public sector is more important than ever.The world is changing faster than ever and the importance of maintaining an agile and adaptable mindset is key to navigating the megatrends…Nov 26, 2017Nov 26, 2017
Published inescalinoWhy Creative Agility is a Key Leadership SkillCreativity, complex problem solving and agility as skill has become more important than ever, and its significance is increasing rapidly…Nov 26, 2017Nov 26, 2017
Published inescalinoCreative Capacities and Digital LeadershipOver the past year we have worked hard together with CINC to design and deliver a 13 day Leadership Development Program for Top Civil…Nov 3, 2017Nov 3, 2017
Published inNeuroCreativityCreative Capacities and Digital LeadershipOver the past year we have worked hard to design and deliver a 13 day Leadership Development Program for Top Civil Servants of Estonia…Aug 30, 2017Aug 30, 2017